Post by surroundx on Aug 12, 2014 13:35:56 GMT
"Stout-legged duck — A single femur discovered in 2009 in Caverne Poule Rouge, Rodrigues, is referable to a small duck, approximately the size of Anas bernieri (Hartlaub, 1860). No endemic anatids are known from Rodrigues, but an account by Bouwer (reprinted in Moree 2001), sailing with the fleet under Wolfert Harmenszoon in 1601, stated that he landed on Rodrigues and collected some wild geese (Hume 2003). The bone is robust with a and comparatively latero-medially compressed at the proximal end. More material is needed before any further diagnoses can be made." Source: Hume, Julian Pender. (2013). A synopsis of the pre-human avifauna of the Mascarene Islands, pp. 195-237. In: Göhlich, U.B. & Kroh, A. (eds.). Proceedings of the 8th International Meeting of the Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution. Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien.