Taxonomic Catalogs for the Recent Terrestrial Vertebrates (Species and Subspecies) Described from Texas.
Type specimen.—Holotype, adult male, skin and skull, USNM 136551, obtained by J. H. Gaut on 17 March 1905, original number 3485.
Type locality.—Big Thicket, 7 miles northeast of Sour Lake, Hardin County, Texas.
Topotypes.—None. Near topotypes.—Hardin Co: 8 mi NE Sour Lake, 1 (USNM); 9 mi NE Sour Lake, 1 (USNM); 10 mi NE Sour Lake, 2 (USNM); Sour Lake, 1 (USNM). Last near topotype collected 1906, no tissues available. Remarks.
This taxon is now thought to be extinct (see Schmidly and Bradley 2016 and Schmidly et al. 2022).