Spiralix corsica was originally described from France, based on records from a single site on Corsica. Its distribution is doubtful as it has not been found again since and further research is required to confirm the presence of the species is maintained at the reported location.
In 1996 this species was assessed as Vulnerable (VU D2) based on its restricted range and potential threats. This species' group is cryptic, as they live in subterranean ground-waters which are difficult to sample effectively and may well be rare. It has not been found again despite several surveys over the last 10 years. The species was not listed by Regnier et al. (2009) as an Extinct or Possibly Extinct species, and so on a precautionary basis the species is assessed as Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) B1ab(iii,v), based on a single known site, where the species has not been observed for 16 years, in order to flag the site as one requiring conservation action.