Post by surroundx on Feb 13, 2015 11:19:41 GMT
"So lottah was back from obscurity, but imagine my surprise when Karen Richards (Forest Practices Board) then brought me some vials of small snails collected from a property near Notley Gorge while searching unsuccessfully for the (other) Cataract Gorge Snail Pasmaditta jungermanniae (also Petterd, 1879), three days before my lottah find. Yes, these vials contained one live and one dead lottah. So, in three days, a snail that had not been seen alive for the entire twentieth century was found alive twice by different people, one looking specifically for it and one not, one looking in a known site and one not, each completely unaware of the other's search efforts - an amusing coincidence." Source: www.qvmag.tas.gov.au/zoology/invertebrata/onlinearchive/onlinetext/inv02-6items.html#02bonham
Post by surroundx on Feb 13, 2015 12:11:30 GMT