Post by Melanie on Nov 4, 2015 19:54:39 GMT
Scientific Name: Melanoides agglutinans
Species Authority: (Bequaert & Clench, 1941)
Potadoma agglutinans Bequaert & Clench, 1941
Taxonomic Notes: Further taxonomic work is required on this species.
Assessment Information [top]
Red List Category & Criteria: Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii) ver 3.1
Year Published: 2010
Date Assessed: 2008-06-04
Assessor(s): Jørgensen, A.
Reviewer(s): Van Damme, D., Seddon, M.B. (Mollusc Red List Authority) & Pollock, C.M. (IUCN Red List Unit)
Melanoides agglutinans is known only from the type locality. Surveys in the 1970s failed to find the species. Ongoing habitat degradation is a serious threat to the species. It is currently assessed as Critically Endangered, but may already be extinct. Further surveys are essential to determine the continued existence of this species.
Date last seen: 1941
Geographic Range [top]
Range Description: Melanoides agglutinans is endemic to DRC, where it is recorded from the Zaire River at Kala Kala. Three surveys in the 1970s over a five year period failed to locate the species. It is known from only one location (the type locality).
Countries occurrence:
Possibly extinct:
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Number of Locations: 1
Range Map: Click here to open the map viewer and explore range.
Population [top]
Population: No information available regarding population sizes.
Current Population Trend: Unknown
Additional data:
♦Population severely fragmented: No
Habitat and Ecology [top]
Habitat and Ecology: It is found in crevices among rocks in swiftly flowing water. Perhaps asexual reproduction (clonal lineages).
Systems: Freshwater
Threats [top]
Major Threat(s): This species is only reported from the type locality. The species requires highly oxygenated waters. Since the original collection of the species, the human population in the area has increased and habitat degradation is ongoing. Sedimentation is a particular threat to this species. A future threat is the potential construction of the Grand Inga dam.
Conservation Actions [top]
Conservation Actions: No conservation measures in place specific for this species. Surveys are required.
Species Authority: (Bequaert & Clench, 1941)
Potadoma agglutinans Bequaert & Clench, 1941
Taxonomic Notes: Further taxonomic work is required on this species.
Assessment Information [top]
Red List Category & Criteria: Critically Endangered (Possibly Extinct) B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii) ver 3.1
Year Published: 2010
Date Assessed: 2008-06-04
Assessor(s): Jørgensen, A.
Reviewer(s): Van Damme, D., Seddon, M.B. (Mollusc Red List Authority) & Pollock, C.M. (IUCN Red List Unit)
Melanoides agglutinans is known only from the type locality. Surveys in the 1970s failed to find the species. Ongoing habitat degradation is a serious threat to the species. It is currently assessed as Critically Endangered, but may already be extinct. Further surveys are essential to determine the continued existence of this species.
Date last seen: 1941
Geographic Range [top]
Range Description: Melanoides agglutinans is endemic to DRC, where it is recorded from the Zaire River at Kala Kala. Three surveys in the 1970s over a five year period failed to locate the species. It is known from only one location (the type locality).
Countries occurrence:
Possibly extinct:
Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
Number of Locations: 1
Range Map: Click here to open the map viewer and explore range.
Population [top]
Population: No information available regarding population sizes.
Current Population Trend: Unknown
Additional data:
♦Population severely fragmented: No
Habitat and Ecology [top]
Habitat and Ecology: It is found in crevices among rocks in swiftly flowing water. Perhaps asexual reproduction (clonal lineages).
Systems: Freshwater
Threats [top]
Major Threat(s): This species is only reported from the type locality. The species requires highly oxygenated waters. Since the original collection of the species, the human population in the area has increased and habitat degradation is ongoing. Sedimentation is a particular threat to this species. A future threat is the potential construction of the Grand Inga dam.
Conservation Actions [top]
Conservation Actions: No conservation measures in place specific for this species. Surveys are required.