Probably due to its close geographical proximity to Europe, the lion
from the north Africa: Constantine, Algeria was used when Linnaeus
first gave the Latin name Panthera Leo to the species in 1758 (Harper
Since then, until it became extinct in 1920s the north African Barbary
lion had occupied the top place of public attention among lions in
Europe including Britain, because of the male's bigger and darker mane.
(Newbery 1753,Vogt & Specht 1889, Cornish 1899, Meyer-Abich 1953).
Historic records suggest that in the past one contiguous Eurasian-north
African lion population was distributed from north Africa through
Middle East to India (Blanford 1876, Vogt & Specht 1889, Flower &
Lydekker 1891).
It is not clear to what extent genetic mixture had been possible
between the north African population and the Eurasian counterparts
before the dawn of civilization along the Nile and Sinai Peninsula,
which without doubt served as a major obstacle to its movements.
Available literature suggest that the eastern part of north Africa (now
called Libya and Egypt) may not have supported a dense lion population
even well before the time of major human persecution (Harper 1945,
Nowell & Jackson 1996).
Then, probably at the latest by the early 18th century lion disappeared
from that part of the Mediterranean littoral in north Africa (Johnston
1899). This left an isolated lion population in the western part of
north Africa (now called Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia), which were
thought to be still quite large at that time (Pease 1899, Harper
However, by the middle of the 19th century the remaining population was
greatly diminished, mainly due to widely distributed firearms and the
lion eradication policy of the Turkish administration in the region,
except Morocco which was an independent sultanate (Pease 1915).
The last recorded lion was killed in Tunisia in 1981 and in Algeria in
1983 (Pease 1915,Nowell & Jackson 1996). In Morocco lions survived well
into the 20th century, and yet ceased to exist finally by 1930s (Harper
1945, Mazák 1970).
Meanwhile it was said that sultans and kings of Morocco had been
presented lions as the sign of obedience by indigenous Berber people
who had shared the Atlas Mountains with the last Barbary lions (Haddane
personal communication).
Therefore, when the last king Hassan II decided to move his lions from
the royal palace to Rabat Zoo, their morphological characteristics were
carefully examined (Leyhauzen 1975, Hemmer 1978, Nowell & Jackson
1996). In addition to the supposed origin of the collection, as the
king's lion s appeared to show similar morphological characteristics to
those of the Barbary lion, a Barbary lion reviving project including
the eventual re-introduction to the Atlas Mountains was planned
(Leyhauzen1975, Hemmer 1978, Nowell & Jackson 1996). However, there was
no clear evidence to prove the king's animals were the real Barbary
lion. Consequently Moroccan authorities, as well as the zoos that
provided captive breeding efforts, became increasingly reluctant about
the project as time passed by.
Those who participated in the project wanted to restore the lion that
had been lost in north Africa, and did not want to breed the lion that
merely resembled the Barbary lion.
Often, in wildlife conservation, crucial social and political decisions
rely on whether the population (or local subspecies) has clear
identities worth being preserved (Daniels 1997), and currently the most
widely accepted such identity may come from molecular work (Wentzel et
Comparing the DNA of king's animals to those extracted from Barbary
lion specimens kept in museums, it may be possible to examine if the
king's lions are real Barbary. This is an interesting project
connecting ancient DNA techniques to conservation biology.
We have collected skin and bone samples of museum lion specimens
originated from India, Iran, north Africa and various sub-Saharan
African locations including the Cape, for detailed comparison.
Dr Cooper's team has recently extracted DNA from fossils of
Homotherium, a saber-toothed cat extinct for nearly half a million
years, giving us a hope that DNA might also be extracted from the skins
and bones of Barbary lions preserved in museums.
The molecular work has just started with mtDNA analysis and later,
probably, moves to nuclear DNA targeting STR for the finer scale
analyses, if possible. If we can find genetic markers that identify the
Barbary lion, this would provide us a more thorough way of gauging the
purity of current breeding stock than outward appearance alone, which
surely push the project forward towards its main goal, namely